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Marcus R: 1&Done and Beyond

Updated: 21 hours ago

Yes!  You are in!  After the clock strikes midnight, most of us proclaim Happy New Year. Thinking fresh start...and then fires hit (personally, figuratively and for some especially in California, quite literally). Your new plans and resolutons get turned upside down or simply fade. If you don't have fires in your life (currently), then you clearly must be tracking with your New Year Resolutions? No? 1&Done? More like None&Done. Most bail on their resolutions by January 14th. And if you happen to be reading to this in July, you can start anytime and adjust to what's going on in your life.  You don't have to wait for January to start a new initiative.  So how about you?  Are you maximizing your God-given gifts for the greater Purpose?  For some inspiration, meet Marcus, you can hear his latest here at Part 1 and Part 2....

  • Do you detect wisdom via Marcus?  I sure do. I verify to you he is truly an Iron Sharpens Iron brother.  If you haven't fasted yet, back up and check out Casey and the Fast and the Christmas.  Get closer to your Heavenly Father.  Ask Him why he wired you the way he did?  What you can do more with the strengths that He has gifted you.  Write it down.  Share with a few selected/trusted others to hold you accountable.  

  • Thank you again Marcus and the ThursDudesPM for that priceless nugget.  Listener, you are trying to do all these things yet do you have the Ultimate Power Source involved?  Do you know the verse Pro 19:21?

  • Proverbs 19:21 says, "Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails". 

  • Pro 16:9 says, We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps.

  • Pro 16:3 says, Commit your actions to the LORD, and your plans will succeed.

  • Doesn't mean you don't plan and go for it.  It does mean you best check your goals with God.  And also don't be surprised when your plans change (unexpected fires).  Can you imagine how much better our anxiety levels would be if we could make peace with that?  Confession, I'm still working on this.

  • Versed listeners, your goal for life is clear, to become more Christ like each day.  Can you imagine this world if we all did that?  No more wars, no more killing, no more terrorist strikes, no more mass shootings, etc.  

  • Ok, odds are that you don't commit horrific acts.  Yet being more Christ like is loving God with all your heart, soul and mind.  This includes daily in the Word, praying, fasting and of course loving others.  Check Matt 22: 36-40.  Confession, I have room for improvement.  So do you.  How do I know that?  Check Rom 3:23.  If you think your poop doesn't stink, that is a serious problem right there.

  • For those inspired, we are reading Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer right now.  Next you need a small/accountability group.  To learn more about Marcus, Greg, the Dudes, Alpha, Rooted, GCrossSurf, hit us up at the contact page at

  • Now go, Love God, ask him what you should be doing this year, read the Bible to get your answers, all of it, not just an isolated portion to justify something (that's where people go rogue and justify evil in their minds).  Next love others, that includes the ones not so lovable.  I love you, go...Check Matt 22: 36-40.  Everything else you are trying to do well (including all your goals) hangs on doing those two first (Jesus' words).  Practice the Way...


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