Year in reflection. Life in review. You are either in a crisis or you know somebody that is. Even if you are an atheist or agnostic, a crisis will serve as a pivot point of which direction you will go. After decades of learning, I've never heard a teacher quite frame up the benefits of a crisis like this before. I greatly appreciate epiphanies and paradigm shifts. For those with open minds will pursue wisdom and Truth. If you know somebody in a crisis, perhaps this is the message you share in hopes to encourage them? Please just factor where they are. For there is definitely a time to mourn (loss of a loved one or a relationship, job, opportunity, etc.). Sooner or later, there is a time to Hope and slowly but surely move forward and ask 'What good can possibly come from this?!' Click here for the 'Play of the Day' and a mic drop from Dr. Lorrits. May your 2023 be stronger than 2022. Remember, one cannot get stronger without resistance.